Users who have corporate email or who do not have but have registered their personal email at LMS, when they forget their password, can reset their password again by following these steps:

Click link or 

Click the link Lost password?

Click the email address box in the search by email address section

Fill in your Email address

Press the Search button. (Clear the Username box in the Search by username section)

LMS will automatically send a message containing a link to change the password to your email

In the next displayed message, click the Continue button

An email notification will be sent to your email address, please open your email and open the notification email.

Click the reset Password link in the email to create a new password.

(We recommend that you reset the password immediately, the time available to reset the password is 30 minutes, after which the link will expire)

Create a New Password with conditions

Type a password with the following conditions:

Password must be at least 8 characters long, consisting of a combination of numbers, uppercase, lowercase, and non-alphanumeric characters such as @, #, *, $, &

Click the Save Changes button to store password changes

    If you have successfully created a password correctly, you will enter the PTFI LMS website, as shown in the panel in the following image.

    To learn more about the features of the PTFI LMS website, please read the section Getting to know the PTFI LMS Dashboard.

    Last modified: Thursday, 15 September 2022, 12:23 PM